Fall Workshops at Wildside
Spend an afternoon at Wildside Cottage and Gardens this Fall! Learn a new skill, meet great folks, and enjoy the incredible biodiversity at this long-time RDG demonstration site.
Sept. 17 — Lacto-fermentation: A Key to Good Health, with Luc Bodin
Luc, originally from France, moved to the Valley 25 years ago. His approach to food preservation using lacto- fermentation draws on decades of direct personal observation, and a deep understanding of macrobiotic nutrition.
Sept. 24 — Seed-saving As If Our Lives Depend On It, with Danny Botkin
Danny, of Laughing Dog Farm, is an icon of sustainable farming in the Valley. He teaches seed-saving, hoop house season extension, goat husbandry, the art of gleaning, and the politics of food.
Oct. 22 — Respectful Tool Maintenance 201, with Jerry Axelson
Jerry, a builder and carpenter by trade, has lived in the Valley for 40-odd years. Now retired, he makes one-of-a-kind furniture using local woods — and he knows the value of a sharp tool! Bring tools of your own, and learn to sharpen them yourself.
All workshops are 1:00 – 4:00 pm, rain or shine
Limited to twelve; suggested donation $10
Call 369-4616 or email suebridge@wildsidegarden.com to reserve a spot
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